Strategies to Attract Quality FDI Successfully 16th February 2017 KCG Secretary News News News A new KCG Policy Paper proposes evidence-based strategies to attract not only FDI per se but more so-called Quality FDI. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) with Quality FDI in developing countries do not just aim for one-sided exploitation of resources such as raw materials and cheap labour in the host countries and let the local development interests be fully ignored[…]
KCG Policy Paper No.2: How to Attract Quality FDI? 14th February 2017 KCG Secretary KCG Policy Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Theodore H. Moran, Holger Görg, Adnan Seric and Christiane Krieger‐Boden Foreign direct investment in developing countries has got a bad reputation in some popular discussions where it is set tantamount to first world’s postcolonial exploitation of the raw materials and cheap labour from the third world, associated with pictures of leaking oil fields and collapsing factories. While this does happen, data show that FDI[…]
Key Relevance of Global Supply Chains in Discussing whether Globalization is Good or not 9th February 2017 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Publications Publications Publications Is globalization good or not? This question has already attracted much attention worldwide with the intensifying globalization during the past decades. Undoubtedly, different economic agents, decision makers and governments from different countries may have strongly different answers to this seemingly simple question. This question turns, however, to be answered in a very simple and provocative way for political purposes over the last year, as did, for example, by Donald Trump on his way to the U.S. Presidency. His belief in globalization doing more harm than good to the U.S. economy induced him to stop ongoing discussions on trade agreements such as TPP and TTIP with different partners in the world[…]
Ricarda Geilenkirchen Provides Administrative Support to the KCG 2nd February 2017 KCG Secretary News News News Ricarda Geilenkirchen joined the KCG as a secretary in October, 2016. After graduating from the high school, she has been trained as a wholesale and export trader. Since 2014 she has worked in the office of the Chair Monetary Economics and International Finance headed by Prof. Thomas Lux at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (CAU Kiel). Her knowledge of administration […]
China: A Key Player in the World Economy and a Key Research Region of KCG 26th January 2017 KCG Secretary News News News It’s time to look at China – but not just because of the coming Chinese New Year. China is nowadays the second largest economy in the world. It has also been intensively integrated into the world economy over the past decades of economic reforms and became a crucial part of the global supply chains. Needless to say, its economic reforms opened the door towards the world economy and brought China new opportunities to grow rapidly over time. China has profited substantially from the intensifying globalisation during the past decades. At the same time it has strongly gained in importance in co-influencing the past and future development of the globalisation. […]
Different but Complementary Research Methods are Key for KCG Interdisciplinary Research 19th January 2017 KCG Secretary News News News The Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG) works on an interdisciplinary research agenda that evaluates the proliferation of global supply chains as an important aspect of globalization. In doing so, it builds a research team consisting of researchers from different disciplines such as economics, ethics, management science and philosophy. The KCG researchers possess discipline-specific knowledge and apply different but complementary research methods for analysis.[…]
Local Coordinator Meetings for Knowledge Exchange among Leibniz ScienceCampi in Kiel 12th January 2017 KCG Secretary News News News The Leibniz Association currently financially supports 19 Leibniz ScienceCampi. Three of them are located in Kiel: EvoLUNG, Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG), and Kiel Science Outreach Campus (KiSOC). All three Kiel Leibniz ScienceCampi just started in 2016. To facilitate knowledge exchange and to share lessons and best practices in coordinating campus-related activities with each other, the coordinators of the three Kiel Leibniz ScienceCampi decided to have regular meetings to make such exchange possible.[…]
FDI, Involvement in Global Supply Chains and Host Country Development 5th January 2017 KCG Secretary News News News Over the past decade there were a rising number of firm-level empirical studies investigating direct and indirect effects of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on domestic firms and, more generally, economic development in different host countries. The strong increase in the number of related firm-level studies can be particularly attributable to the substantial progress made in the “New” new trade theory since the beginning of the 21st century on the one hand and to the availability of large-scale firm-level datasets and the development in advanced analytical tools required over the past years on the other hand[…]
Merits of Financial Market Development for Developing Countries 30th December 2016 KCG Secretary News Public Contributions Publications Publications Publications Financial market development has its impact on economic development wide beyond national boundaries. Here multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a crucial role. Recent empirical studies carried out by Görg and Kersting (2016) and Donaubauer et al. (2016) found, among others, that: Well-developed financial markets, either in source or host countries, foster bilateral foreign direct investment. Well-developed financial markets in source countries compensate for poorly developed financial systems […]
KCG Kick-off Meeting Held on December 9th, 2016 15th December 2016 KCG Secretary News News News The Kiel Centre for Globalization (KCG) is a joint initiative of Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Its interdisciplinary research team currently works on four interrelated research projects to investigate various selected aspects of global supply chains ( To facilitate efficient and effective knowledge exchange, the research team plans to regularly meet each other to share their research results […]