KCG Working Paper No. 25: Special Economic Zones and Household Welfare: New Evidence from Ghana 5th June 2023 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Charles G. Ackah, Robert D. Osei, Nana Y.A. Owusu and Vera Acheampong The study evaluates the impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) on household welfare (per capita consumption expenditure (PCE) and poverty status) in Ghana using the Ghana Socioeconomic Panel Survey Dataset. SEZs spillover effect on household welfare within a binary treatment condition may lead to finding inadequacy for policy[...]
KCG Working Paper No. 24: Exports and New Products in China – A Generalized Propensity Score Approach with Firm-to-Firm Spillovers 14th June 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Autthors: Yundan Gong and Aoife Hanley Underpinning China’s technological advancement are the twin-engines of exports and innovation. To better understand China’s meteoric economic transformation, we explore the extent to which new products are triggered by exports (direct effects) and by exposure to other exporters (indirect effects)[...]
KCG Working Paper No. 23: Productivity effects of processing and ordinary export market entry: A time-varying treatments approach 30th March 2021 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Sourafel Girma and Holger Görg China’s policy of encouraging export processing has been the topic of much discussion in the academic literature and policy debate. We use a recently developed econometric approach that allows for time varying “treatments” and estimate economically and statistically significant positive causal effects of entering into export processing and ordinary export markets on subsequent firm level productivity[...]
KCG Working Paper No. 22: Why are Africa’s Female Entrepreneurs not Playing the Export Game? Evidence from Ghana 7th October 2020 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Charles Ackah, Holger Görg, Aoife Hanley, and Cecília Hornok We explore the export performance of Africa’s underperforming female entrepreneurs, using the Ghanaian ISSER-IGC panel, a comprehensive dataset of manufacturing firms for 2011–2015. Uniquely, the data provides information about the severity of key business constraints, across both male and female entrepreneurs[...]
KCG Working Paper No. 21: Does the Belt and Road Initiative Stimulate Chinese Exports? The Role of State-Owned Enterprises 16th January 2020 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Holger Görg and Haiou Mao This paper evaluates firms’ exporting responses to BRI and considers their heterogeneity in ownership types, product types, regional origin and trade mode. This is done by analyzing firm-product-destination level customs data from 2011 to 2015 in a gravity model framework
KCG Working Paper No. 20: Subsidies, Spillovers and Exports 5th November 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Sourafel Girma, Holger Görg and Ignat Stepanok We ask whether production related subsidies have a role to play in explaining Chinese firms’ export performance[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 19: Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Experimental Evidence on Heterogeneity and Coordination in Avoiding a Collective Catastrophic Event 22nd October 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Israel Waichman, Till Requate, Markus Karde and Manfred Milinski Avoiding a catastrophic climate change event is a global public good characterized by several dimensions, notably heterogeneity between the parties involved[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 18: Tell the Truth or Not? The Montero Mechanism for Emissions Control at Work 22nd October 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Till Requate, Eva Camacho-Cuena, Kean Siang Ch'ng and Israel Waichman We experimentally test the truth-telling mechanism proposed by Montero (2008) for eliciting firms’ abatement costs. We compare this mechanism with two well-known alternative[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 17: Friends like this: The Impact of the US – China Trade War on Global Value Chains 8th August 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Haiou Mao and Holger Görg This paper considers the indirect impact the recent tariff increases between the US and China can have in third countries through links in global supply chains. We combine data from input-output relationships, imports and tariffs[…]
KCG Working Paper No. 16: Foreign Direct Investment & Petty Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Empirical Analysis at the Local Level 11th July 2019 KCG Secretary KCG Working Papers Publications Publications Publications Authors: Julian Donaubauer, Peter Kannen and Frauke Steglich Inspired by a recent and ongoing debate about whether foreign direct investment (FDI) represents a blessing for or an impediment to economic, social, and political development in FDI host countries this paper addresses two issues[…]